611 Broad Street
Last updated: March 25, 2024
Directions from Miss Lena's Store to site 19:
The present location of the First Baptist Church is where the church relocated after the Wolfe Street church (site 8) was purchased by the city of Harrisonburg in 1963 for Urban Renewal efforts. In September of the same year, construction for the new church began on Broad Street. The congregation held service in Lucy. F Simms School and at the home of Deacon & Mrs. Hampton Sampson during this time. In July 1964, the first service was held in the new church, and the church was dedicated in September 1964. Over the years, there have been renovations to the church, yet much of its core remains, and it is still an active church today. First Baptist Church continues to be an essential part of the northeast community of Harrisonburg