200 Miller Road
Last updated on April 11, 2024
Directions from Crossroads/Freetown to Site 8:
Tokes Inn was Susan Josephine Tokes’ catering service and restaurant. Susan was well-known for her culinary skills, including catering dinners and parties for U.S. Senator Harry F Byrd, Sr., and the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival. She received a citation from the U.S. Treasury Department in 1944 for preparing her famous fried chicken at a dinner for the War Finance Program. The dining area at Tokes Inn no longer exists. It was constructed of two prefabricated buildings purchased by the city of Winchester as surplus after World War I and used as temporary schoolrooms while Handley High School was being built. The business began in 1918 and stayed open after Susan’s death through her nephew, George Davis, and his wife, Addie. The restaurant closed in 1998. Louise Tokes’, husband, house still stands next to the former Inn.