4945 East Point Road
Last updated on April 9, 2024
Directions from Bible Way Church of God in Christ and Cemetery to site 34:
There are two cemeteries surveyed at this site. The first is the St. Hebron Baptist Church Cemetery that tied to the historic African American church close by. On December 11, 1936, C. C. Morris of Shenandoah, Virginia, recorded that the cemetery was given to him by F. E. Brown and Earl Wayre. In his writing, Morris states: "This is an old colored cemetery that goes back to the slavery times. There are quite a few old slaves buried here, but no inscriptions on stones. Some of the old slaves who were buried here before 1860 were Harvey Wayre and his wife, Evelyn Wayre; John Brown and wife, Sarah Brown; and Caroline Beck; also the Rev. John Wood, the colored missionary Baptist preacher."
The second cemetery is the Greenwood Family Cemetery. This is an African American cemetery that has burials dating back to slavery. In a 2001 survey, a small section was enclosed by a brick wall that may be the original portion of the cemetery. A plaque reads: “Willian Edward Gaines 1789-1875: Elizabeth Shotwell Gaines 1803-1884: Erected by Edward Christina Gains, 1935.” There are graves with the same names suggesting familial ties. Further research needs to be done on the cemetery for confirmation. This cemetery is hidden from the road behind the trees and is on private property.