500 North Buckton Road (Rt 842)
Last updated on April 11, 2024
Directions from the end of the Clarke and Warren Counties tour:
The Mt. Zion Cemetery dates back to 1801, when Middletown’s founder, Peter Senseney, deeded the property for a meeting house and burial place for “people of the African race” living in the Middletown area. Research has shown that there are approximately 20 marked graves and a further 14 known but unmarked burials. Those who are associated with the upkeep and rehabilitation of the cemetery believe there are possibly hundreds more burials lying undiscovered. When I-81 was constructed, it cut off the original entrance to the cemetery, which now lies on private property. Among those buried here is a woman named Caroline Jenkins, who died in 1907. Her cabin still stands on Church Street and is now a commercial building.