240 Church Street
Front Royal, Virginia 22630
Directions from Freetown/Southtown to site 27:
The Mount Vernon Baptist Church was formed in November 1865 by Rev. W. Hills, Deacon Joe Dixon, and Deacon William Brown. Reverend Taylor was the first Pastor. The small organization met in various places, and the congregation slowly grew, serving the spiritual needs of the African American Community of Front Royal and Warren County.
In 1882, Mount Vernon Baptist Church trustees Willis Beeden, Beverly Howard, Thomas Jones, Lewis Moton, and Moses Taylor purchased lot #19 on Boundary Avenue from Adonizah and Mary M. Shipe with money obtained from the American Baptist Home Mission Society of New York. Reverend Taylor died in 1884 before the church was completed, after 19 years of service. Rev. G. C. Bannister was selected as the second Pastor of the church. The log church was completed in 1885, and in 1903 it was replaced by the current frame structure. This is still an active church and the current Pastor, Reverend Harold Brown, Sr. is a good friend of the Shenandoah Valley Black Heritage Project. Donations can be sent to their address above. |